The next REFRESH is on February 20th, at CMIS.
Hope to see you there!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Nooma Video by Rob Bell

At REFRESH we showed Nooma 020, "Shells" with Rob Bell.
From the page on "Shells":
Do you often find yourself saying, "I'm so busy" or "I just have so much to do"? It's easy to get overwhelmed with appointments, gatherings, to-do lists. But what are we really doing with our time? Many of us are running from place to place and it seems like life is just passing us by. We're doing so many things, a little bit of everything, and yet it doesn't feel like much of a life. But most of us find it hard to say no. We feel obligated. There are so many good things to do. So many good causes to join. But while we're busy doing all these good things, are we missing out on something great? Maybe saying no would be easier if we knew what it meant to say yes.
If you're interested in purchasing the nooma video and supporting their work, please go to:
Most of the videos are available for download.
Song list from January 23rd
Song list
1st Set
"Let Everything That Has Breath"
By Matt Redman © 1997 Thankyou Music CD: "Intimacy", Matt Redman
"Happy Day"
By Tim Hughes & Ben Cantellon © 2007 Thankyou Music CD: "Holding Nothing Back", Tim Hughes CD: "What's New In Praise & Worship 2007"
"My Savior Lives"
By Jon Egan & Glenn Packiam © 2006 Vertical Worship Songs CD: "My Savior Lives", New Life Worship
with Ross Parsley & The Desperation Band
"Blessed Be Your Name"
By Matt Redman & Beth Redman © 2002 Thankyou Music CD: "Where Angels Fear To Tread", Matt Redman
By Paul Baloche & Brenton Brown © 2006 Thankyou Music CD: "A Greater Song", Paul Baloche
"Beautiful One"
By Tim Hughes © 2002 Thankyou Music CD: "When Silence Falls", Tim Hughes
"How Great Thou Art!"
Arrangement by Paul Baloche © S.K. Hine renewed 1981 Manna Music CD: "Our God Saves", Paul Baloche
"Your Name"
By Paul Baloche & Glenn Packiam © 2006 Integrity’s Hosanna Music CD: "A Greater Song", Paul Baloche
2nd set
"Be Still"
By Mark Tedder © 2008 Thankyou Music CD: "The Door", Mark Tedder & The Worship Planet Band
"With All I Am"
By Reuben Morgan © 2003 Hillsong Publishing CD: “For All You’ve Done”, Hillsong
3rd set
By Tim Hughes © 2005 Thankyou Music CD: "Holding Nothing Back", Tim Hughes
"How Marvellous! How Wonderful!"
By Charles H. Gabriel © Public domain
"Lift Him Higher"
By Dave Middleton & James Middleton © 2005 Thankyou Music CD: “Grapevine 2005 – Promise”
"Shackles (Praise You) / More Love, More Power"
Medley by Coast Vineyard CD: "Live & Undone", Coast Vineyard
"Joy Is In This Place"
Words by John Newton Music & words adaption by Tim Hughes © 2003 Thankyou Music CD: “When Silence Falls”, Tim Hughes
"My Redeemer Lives"
By Reuben Morgan © 1998 Hillsong Publishing CD: "By Your Side", Hillsong
1st Set
"Let Everything That Has Breath"
By Matt Redman © 1997 Thankyou Music CD: "Intimacy", Matt Redman
"Happy Day"
By Tim Hughes & Ben Cantellon © 2007 Thankyou Music CD: "Holding Nothing Back", Tim Hughes CD: "What's New In Praise & Worship 2007"
"My Savior Lives"
By Jon Egan & Glenn Packiam © 2006 Vertical Worship Songs CD: "My Savior Lives", New Life Worship
with Ross Parsley & The Desperation Band
"Blessed Be Your Name"
By Matt Redman & Beth Redman © 2002 Thankyou Music CD: "Where Angels Fear To Tread", Matt Redman
By Paul Baloche & Brenton Brown © 2006 Thankyou Music CD: "A Greater Song", Paul Baloche
"Beautiful One"
By Tim Hughes © 2002 Thankyou Music CD: "When Silence Falls", Tim Hughes
"How Great Thou Art!"
Arrangement by Paul Baloche © S.K. Hine renewed 1981 Manna Music CD: "Our God Saves", Paul Baloche
"Your Name"
By Paul Baloche & Glenn Packiam © 2006 Integrity’s Hosanna Music CD: "A Greater Song", Paul Baloche
2nd set
"Be Still"
By Mark Tedder © 2008 Thankyou Music CD: "The Door", Mark Tedder & The Worship Planet Band
"With All I Am"
By Reuben Morgan © 2003 Hillsong Publishing CD: “For All You’ve Done”, Hillsong
3rd set
By Tim Hughes © 2005 Thankyou Music CD: "Holding Nothing Back", Tim Hughes
"How Marvellous! How Wonderful!"
By Charles H. Gabriel © Public domain
"Lift Him Higher"
By Dave Middleton & James Middleton © 2005 Thankyou Music CD: “Grapevine 2005 – Promise”
"Shackles (Praise You) / More Love, More Power"
Medley by Coast Vineyard CD: "Live & Undone", Coast Vineyard
"Joy Is In This Place"
Words by John Newton Music & words adaption by Tim Hughes © 2003 Thankyou Music CD: “When Silence Falls”, Tim Hughes
"My Redeemer Lives"
By Reuben Morgan © 1998 Hillsong Publishing CD: "By Your Side", Hillsong
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Photos from January 23 @ CMIS
Last night was REFRESH at CMIS.
It was well attended in spite of a very busy weekend for many folks, and the new venue at CMIS worked really well. We took extra time to set up to make the lighting, sound and music conducive to worship. The dance was fantastic (thanks Judy & Wendy) and a real blessing. A always, Rob Bell had good and challenging things to say in the Nooma video.
Here are some photos to give you a feel for what it was like.

Setup in the afternoon before (thanks to Rob Paine for helping hang the banners!).

Ken working the sound board.

It was well attended in spite of a very busy weekend for many folks, and the new venue at CMIS worked really well. We took extra time to set up to make the lighting, sound and music conducive to worship. The dance was fantastic (thanks Judy & Wendy) and a real blessing. A always, Rob Bell had good and challenging things to say in the Nooma video.
Here are some photos to give you a feel for what it was like.

Setup in the afternoon before (thanks to Rob Paine for helping hang the banners!).
Ken working the sound board.
Part of the band running through a few songs before it starts.

Thanks to Brett, the photos were great!

Roslyn opening REFRESH
Thanks to Brett, the photos were great!

Roslyn opening REFRESH
Judi Utley on the harp (playing "Be Thou My Vision") and Wendy Chaimberlain dancing flamenco. Music and dance can communicate in ways words cannot -- thanks for blessing us!

Not on stage, but still critical to it going well -- Chloe on lyrics, Ken and James on sound, and Sandra (up in the balcony) doing lights. Thanks!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Don't forget change of venue!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Photos for January 23rd
This upcoming REFRESH will feature the photos of Brett Faucett. Here are three of the photos along with his reflections on taking them. More will be there on Saturday.
This picture was taken just weeks after we arrived here in Chiang Mai. We were going back home in a songtaew from our first trip to the Sunday Walking Market. I saw the light streaming through the welded Chiang Mai sign on the top of the songtaew.

This was part of my Health Ministries Team visit to India. This is a picture of the women of Lalitpur. This group of women formed a co-op to help tackle some of the issues they were facing as a community. Especially, gender related problems. They had a much stronger voice collectively.
This photo was taken outside of a church in Miraj, India. My Health Ministries Team and I attended the service and were greeted afterwards by a throng of kids. I loved the joy and excitement in their eyes.

This picture was taken just weeks after we arrived here in Chiang Mai. We were going back home in a songtaew from our first trip to the Sunday Walking Market. I saw the light streaming through the welded Chiang Mai sign on the top of the songtaew.

This was part of my Health Ministries Team visit to India. This is a picture of the women of Lalitpur. This group of women formed a co-op to help tackle some of the issues they were facing as a community. Especially, gender related problems. They had a much stronger voice collectively.

This photo was taken outside of a church in Miraj, India. My Health Ministries Team and I attended the service and were greeted afterwards by a throng of kids. I loved the joy and excitement in their eyes.

An important part of REFRESH is art -- photos, dance, music, paintings, drawings -- all the different ways in which people can express themselves. Our God is a creative God, and art celebrates creativity -- and so is another form of worship and praise, even if it isn't "Christian" art per se.
We celebrate art in all its diversity.
After all, God colors outside the lines...
We celebrate art in all its diversity.
After all, God colors outside the lines...
Monday, January 11, 2010
January flyer
At the first REFRESH we showed Rob Bell's video from the Nooma series, "Rain" (nooma #001).
In in, Rob Bell talks about the storms that come through life.
"There's this false, twisted idea out there among religious people that somehow you've got to have it all together to have a relationship with God."
"God says to us, 'When you come to me, come to me with all your junk, with all your problems, come to me all screwed up, all messed up. Let me take care of it."
There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place. Deuteronomy 1:31 (NIV)
To purchase the video and support Nooma, go to The link to download Rain is
Follow up on the first Refresh: Song list
The first Refresh in Chiang Mai was on November 14th, at First Thai Church, 7:00 to 8:30.
We had about 220 people there, and got a lot of positive feedback. Several sets of worship music were mixed in with dance (thanks to Cindy and the dancers!), along with wonderful art and a Nooma video from Rob Bell, #001, Rain (more on that later).
Here is the song list from that night, with our favorite version of it and the artist. If you like the songs, go to iTunes and you can search by title and artist, along with album, and find the specific song. (You can purchase an individual song for 99 cents, which helps support the artists.)
1st set
"Everlasting God"
By Brenton Brown and Ken Riley
Copyright 2005 Thankyou Music
CD: Chris Tomlin, "See the Morning"
By Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown
Copyright 2006 Integrity's Hosanna!
CD: Paul Baloche, "A Greater Song"
"Let Everything That Has Breath"
By Matt Redman
Copyright 1997 Thankyou Music
CD: Matt Redman, "Intimacy"
"My Redeemer Lives"
By Reuben Morgan
Copyright 1998 Reuben Morgan/Hillsong Publishing
CD: Hillsong, "By Your Side" CD: Hillsong, "Ultimate Worship"
"Shackles (Praise You) / More Love, More Power"
medley by Coast Vineyard
CD: Coast Vineyard, "Live & Undone"
"Holy Is The Lord"
By Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio
Copyright 2003
CD: Chris Tomlin, "Arriving"
"Holy Holy"
By Nathan Fellingham
Copyright 1995 Thankyou Music
CD: Tim Hughes, "When Silence Falls"
"Be Still"
By Mark Tedder
Copyright 2008 Thankyou Music
CD: Mark Tedder & The Worship Planet Band, "The Door"
2nd set
"Come See"
By Michael W. Smith, Whitney Smith, Debbie Smith, Ryan Smith and Leeland Dayton Mooring
Copyright 2006 Word Music
CD: Michael W. Smith, "Stand"
"Desert Song"
By Brooke Fraser
Copyright 2008 Sony/ATV Music & Hillsong Publishing
CD: Hillsong, "This Is Our God"
"Made Me Glad"
By Miriam Webster
Copyright 2001 Miriam Webster/Hillsong Publishing
CD: Hillsong, "Blessed"
3rd set
By Tim Hughes
Copyright 2005 Thankyou Music
CD: Tim Hughes, "Holding Nothing Back"
"Beautiful One"
By Tim Hughes
Copyright 2002 Thankyou Music
CD: Tim Hughes, "When Silence Falls"
"Blessed By Your Name"
By Matt Redman and Beth Redman
Copyright 2002 Thankyou Music
CD: Matt Redman, "Where Angels Fear To Tread"
"Lift Him Higher"
By Dave Middleton and James Middleton
Copyright 2005 Thankyou Music
CD: “Grapevine 2005 – Promise”
"Happy Day"
By Tim Hughes and Ben Cantellon
Copyright 2007 Thankyou Music
CD: "What's New In Praise & Worship 2007" CD: Tim Hughes, "Holding Nothing Back"
We had about 220 people there, and got a lot of positive feedback. Several sets of worship music were mixed in with dance (thanks to Cindy and the dancers!), along with wonderful art and a Nooma video from Rob Bell, #001, Rain (more on that later).
Here is the song list from that night, with our favorite version of it and the artist. If you like the songs, go to iTunes and you can search by title and artist, along with album, and find the specific song. (You can purchase an individual song for 99 cents, which helps support the artists.)
1st set
"Everlasting God"
By Brenton Brown and Ken Riley
Copyright 2005 Thankyou Music
CD: Chris Tomlin, "See the Morning"
By Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown
Copyright 2006 Integrity's Hosanna!
CD: Paul Baloche, "A Greater Song"
"Let Everything That Has Breath"
By Matt Redman
Copyright 1997 Thankyou Music
CD: Matt Redman, "Intimacy"
"My Redeemer Lives"
By Reuben Morgan
Copyright 1998 Reuben Morgan/Hillsong Publishing
CD: Hillsong, "By Your Side" CD: Hillsong, "Ultimate Worship"
"Shackles (Praise You) / More Love, More Power"
medley by Coast Vineyard
CD: Coast Vineyard, "Live & Undone"
"Holy Is The Lord"
By Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio
Copyright 2003
CD: Chris Tomlin, "Arriving"
"Holy Holy"
By Nathan Fellingham
Copyright 1995 Thankyou Music
CD: Tim Hughes, "When Silence Falls"
"Be Still"
By Mark Tedder
Copyright 2008 Thankyou Music
CD: Mark Tedder & The Worship Planet Band, "The Door"
2nd set
"Come See"
By Michael W. Smith, Whitney Smith, Debbie Smith, Ryan Smith and Leeland Dayton Mooring
Copyright 2006 Word Music
CD: Michael W. Smith, "Stand"
"Desert Song"
By Brooke Fraser
Copyright 2008 Sony/ATV Music & Hillsong Publishing
CD: Hillsong, "This Is Our God"
"Made Me Glad"
By Miriam Webster
Copyright 2001 Miriam Webster/Hillsong Publishing
CD: Hillsong, "Blessed"
3rd set
By Tim Hughes
Copyright 2005 Thankyou Music
CD: Tim Hughes, "Holding Nothing Back"
"Beautiful One"
By Tim Hughes
Copyright 2002 Thankyou Music
CD: Tim Hughes, "When Silence Falls"
"Blessed By Your Name"
By Matt Redman and Beth Redman
Copyright 2002 Thankyou Music
CD: Matt Redman, "Where Angels Fear To Tread"
"Lift Him Higher"
By Dave Middleton and James Middleton
Copyright 2005 Thankyou Music
CD: “Grapevine 2005 – Promise”
"Happy Day"
By Tim Hughes and Ben Cantellon
Copyright 2007 Thankyou Music
CD: "What's New In Praise & Worship 2007" CD: Tim Hughes, "Holding Nothing Back"
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year!
Welcome to the Refresh Chiang Mai blog!
Refresh Chiang Mai is a night of worship and praise featuring contemporary Christian worship, including multimedia and the arts.
All are welcome!
Refresh Chiang Mai takes place about once a month on Saturday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.
Our next date is Saturday, January 23, 2010.
Due to remodeling at the First Thai Church, Refresh will be at Chiang Mai International School.
We'll post a map soon.
Refresh Chiang Mai is a night of worship and praise featuring contemporary Christian worship, including multimedia and the arts.
All are welcome!
Refresh Chiang Mai takes place about once a month on Saturday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.
Our next date is Saturday, January 23, 2010.
Due to remodeling at the First Thai Church, Refresh will be at Chiang Mai International School.
We'll post a map soon.
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