Setting up REFRESH takes a lot of work and time -- and we could use some help.

For the event to start at 6:30 (when the cafe opens) and worship starting at 7:00, we usually get to the auditorium around 1:00 or 2:00. If CMIS has stuff up on stage (like the drum set and keyboard in this photo) we need to write down where everything is (so we can put it back), and then pull it off the stage to get ready to set up.

Next, the chairs need to be set out, the band's equipment put up on stage (keyboard, guitars, bass, drums, mics, music stands, etc.), and all the sound and video cables run, checked, and mixed. The artwork gets set up, the dancer runs through the dance a few times, and the band does a last sound check. We also now have acoustic music before and after, and that needs to be set up and sound checked.
Then, we run the lyrics and video off the computer, run sound, lights, and make sure there is enough seating and coordinate with SoJo's running the cafe.
Once we're done, we break it all down.
A few times last year we've had some great folks help us with the set-up and tear down, and most people who come lend a hand. Thanks! That was such a blessing, as our "roadies" have often been the family members of the band! (Although it is surprising how much an 8 year old can carry...)
For this year, we thought we'd ask the community and see if folks might be interested in helping out with set-up / tear down. If you're interested in learning how this works (from sound to multimedia), or have some time to help with blessing the community through helping set up for worship, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us at
(p.s. If you help out more than once, we're going to get some t-shirts made!)