Thursday, April 29, 2010

Live instrumental music from 6:30 (and after)

This REFRESH will have live music for the prelude and postlude, starting at 6:30, and then from 8:30 to 9:00 after REFRESH!

The music will be a mix of Celtic music (Irish/Scottish) and hymns.

Judi Utley on the Celtic harp and Mark Ritchie on the bodhrán and Irish whistle.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Next REFRESH, May 1!

The next REFRESH will be on May 1, from 7:00 to 8:30. This will be the last REFRESH of this international school year.

If you've been meaning to come, and haven't had time, make time! We've gotten some great feedback, including several who have said it has been the best worship they've had for years. That is all by God's grace and blessing, and we are humbled and joyful that REFRESH has touched people. Praise God!

We will again have the SoJo's cafe, art, dance and a video mixed into 90 minutes of worship.

Feel free to come early and hang out after as well.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!